Discovery of the Abandoned Dog Carrillo, an employee of Shoreline Pipes in Texas, shared a heartwarming tale of an unexpected encounter with...
Discovery of the Abandoned Dog
Carrillo, an employee of Shoreline Pipes in Texas, shared a heartwarming tale of an unexpected encounter with a distressed canine. "We really did not know he was a canine at first," Carrillo explained. "We reversed and saw him." The dog's mouth was taped shut, and he was tied up with tubing, indicating a grim fate had been planned for him.
Swift Rescue Efforts
Without hesitation, Carrillo and his companion took immediate action to free the helpless dog. "He seemed OK," Carrillo noted. "He was very caring and liked the attention. He was probably just there for a day or so." Their swift intervention saved the dog from a potentially tragic end.
The compassionate plumbers transported the canine to Peewee's Pet Fostering, a nearby no-kill sanctuary. Carrillo expressed his relief, stating, "Look at that face. He knows he was saved!" The rescued dog's gratitude was evident, a testament to the bond formed during the rescue.
Health Despite Challenges
Upon examination, it was discovered that the dog was in overall good health, despite being afflicted with heartworms. The staff at Peewee's Animal Fostering initiated a treatment plan for the heartworms, ensuring the canine's well-being. A spokesperson from the sanctuary shared, "His tail won't stop wagging. He's such a sweetie."
A Second Chance at Life
Regrettably, the person responsible for this heartless act of abandonment was not identified. The abandoned dog's fate hung in the balance until the intervention of the compassionate plumbers.
Despite the unknown assailant, the dog was now safe and surrounded by caring individuals. The plumbers' quick response provided the canine with a second chance at life. The rescued dog's joy and gratitude were palpable, reflecting the positive impact of their timely intervention.
The resilient dog, despite the initial adversity, was in good spirits. The heartworm treatment had begun, and the spokesperson from Peewee's Animal Fostering affirmed, "He's such a sweetie." The focus now shifted to ensuring the dog's complete recovery and finding him a loving forever home.
# FAQs
Who Rescued the Abandoned Dog?
The abandoned dog was rescued by Carrillo, an employee of Shoreline Pipes in Texas, and his companion.
#Where Was the Dog Taken After the Rescue?
After the rescue, the dog was taken to Peewee's Pet Fostering, a nearby no-kill sanctuary.
How Was the Dog's Health?
Despite being abandoned and having heartworms, the dog was in overall good health. Treatment for heartworms was promptly initiated.
Was the Person Responsible for Abandoning the Dog Found?
No, the individual responsible for abandoning the dog was not identified. The focus shifted to the dog's recovery and finding him a loving forever home.